Take cooking to a whole new level
Courses and Master-classes to accompany, learn and make
Our Technical Advisors and Executive Chefs will accompany you in discovering Alfa ovens and the technology that distinguishes them, showing you the most up-to-date techniques for obtaining flawless pizza cooking.
From time to time, we organize courses and events both On the Road, at Alfa sales points located throughout the area, and On Air in live streaming, so you can follow them comfortably whenever and wherever you want, from the device you prefer.

Alfa Academy On the Road
Events, courses and workshops organized at Alfa dealers, where you can find out how to cook pizzas perfectly with our professional and home ovens. You will be accompanied during the training by specialized technicians and the best Italian professionals, who have been working in the pizza sector for years.

Alfa Academy On Air
Live streaming, live social media and recorded lessons by Chefs and special Guests established in the world of baking and cooking, to discover all the secrets of doughs and how to cook perfect pizzas with Alfa home ovens.