
Want something fancy?

Here are many recipes and tips for grilling and cooking with a wood-fired oven and some pointers from renowned chefs to make scrumptious dishes for you and your friends.

From pizza dough to desserts, from vegetables to countless ways of cooking meats, our blog recipes always make the grade.

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  • Baking home-made bread is an old passion that is being rediscovered. Bread has been a staple in the diet of many earlier civilizations and at its simplest can be boiled down to two ingredients: grain flour and water. Making bread is not hard but it can be daunting, especially when it comes to make dough or, more often, [...]

  • Sooner or later all pizza makers wonder whether there is a relationship between the pizza dough that they make and the oven in which they will bake it. Of course there is. Pizza making is a process that involves lots of variables such as: Quality of raw materials. Pizza maker’s skills and experience. Time, method and preparation of [...]

  • According to a survey, pizza is the food that makes everybody happy. But why? The reasons for its worldwide popularity are different but basically the key is the simplicity of combining dough with toppings that come in endless variations. In the last few years the number of people who try their hand at making pizza at home [...]

  • Ingrédients pour 6 personnes: 6 hauts de cuisse de poulet sans peau. 100 g de fontina (ou autre fromage à pâte pressée non cuite). 24 tranches de pancetta sel poivre noir ciboulette Préparation: Incisez sur toute la longueur de l’os jusqu’à le découvrir, séparez-le de la viande et retirez-le avec le cartilage. Divisez le haut [...]

  • Serves 6 Ingredients: 6 skinless chicken thighs 100 g/3 ½ oz fontina (or other melting cheese) 24 pancetta rashers salt black pepper chives Method: Cut the thighs lengthwise down to the bone and debone them trimming away the cartilage as well. Divide each thigh in two halves. Put the pancetta slices onto pudding moulds in [...]

  • The art of Neapolitan pizzaiolos made the Unesco’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list, but even making a good home-made pizza is nothing to sneeze at. Anyway, between a pizzeria and a home kitchen there are many differences which concern all the phases of the process and will inevitably affect the finished article. Here we will [...]

  • “Hey, it’s Saturday evening, how about eating a pizza? No, not pizza, I can’t digest it!” Surely, you have gone through this before as well; going to a pizzeria or to a friend’s house for a pizza and to regret it because of post-meal stomach pains and an unrestrainable urge to drink. Unfortunately, in these circumstances, [...]

  • Baked Italian pasta is a typical dish of the Mediterranean culture. Healthy, fast and loved by all Italians and not only. INGREDIENTS 320 g wheat pasta 4 ounces tomato sauce 1 chopped onion 3 tablespoons olive oil 150 g mozzarella 40 g black olives pecorino cheese, grated 15 g capers bread crumbs STEPS Boil the [...]

  • Serves 6 Ingredients: 1 pork belly with rind 1 dl white wine 1 tbsp. fennel seeds 1 sprig of rosemary 2 garlic cloves 1 dl extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsps. coarse salt 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard salt black pepper Method: Score the pork rind, open the belly out and push it down flat. Rub [...]

  • Serves 6 Ingredients: 300 g + 30 g flour 1 tsp. + ½ tsp. salt 1 tsp. + 6 tbsps. + 1 tbsp. sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon 200 g + 50 g cold butter 90 ml cold water 2 tbsps. lemon juice 2 Golden Delicious or Royal Gala apples 3 tbsps. whipping cream Method: Mix [...]